


16 September 2012


Salafist religious leaders refuse to meet with the Pope. But Hizbollah clerics welcomed the Catholic Leader.

NBC reported that U.S. calls Hizbollah a terrorist group, but for Pope, Hezbollah’s blessing was probably just what the Vatican was praying for.

AFP said, Choadors and Ayatollah Khomeini: Pope's Welcome to Lebanon.
One of the first things Pope Benedict XVI saw when he arrived at Beirut airport after arriving on Friday 14 September 2012, were Shiite women in black chadors and hundreds of Hezbollah scouts who had come to greet him. Muslims of the party of God waved the flag of the Vatican. Awaiting the Pope on the road out of the airport were men and women of Hizbollah and the youth of the Mahdi scouts, named after the Awaited Messiah of Shia Islam, the man who is will come and establish peace and Justice on Earth.

Pictures: "Problem with Pope? Nope. Look. We love Holy Mary."

Muslim ladies waited to greet Pope Benedict XVI at the airport in Beirut on Friday 14 September 2012.

Billboards and flags erected by Hezbollah depicting Pope Benedict XVI decorate a bridge on the main airport road in Beirut in preparation for the pope's arrival on September 14, 2012.
The billboard reads: "Hezbollah welcomes the Pope to the country of co-existence."

Banners erected for Pope by the Party of God. Lebanon, 14 September 2012.

Shia female supporter crosses a street as people wait for the car carrying Pope Benedict XVI outside Beirut international airport. 14.9.2012

Lebanese Muslims women of the Party of God wait for Pope Benedict XVI at the Presidential Palace in near Beirut on Saturday 15 September 2012.

Shia Muslim girls of the Mehdi scouts wait for Pope in Beirut on 14 September 2012.

Shi'ite Musim women of the Party of God in Lebanon walk past posters of the Pope during his visit.

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