
Tottenham Anger


London Burns After Police Kill Black Man

Monday 7 August 2011

Black community in rage after police shoot dead a black man. Mark Duggan was killed on Thursday 4 August 2011. He was father of four children. His death occured at 6.15pm. He was shot dead during a covert police operation in Ferry Lane, Tottenham. On Saturday 5pm about 300 people gather peacefully outside Tottenham police station, saying they want “justice” for Mr Duggan and his family. Police refused to provide any answers. Tottenham errupted in anger. Riots spread to other parts of London. Over 40 police officers wwere wounded and taken to hospital. Policemen are also said to have beaten a young girl who was protesting. Youth were enflamed and burned shops in London. Police said rioters are criminals. Duggan's wife Semone Wilson said there was a cover up of his death by the poice which led to riots.
MP John McDonnell said rioters were copying bankers who steal money from poor people. "Reaping what has been sown over 3 decades of creating grotesquely unequal society, with alienated young copying ethos of looting bankers."
Former Mayor of London, Ken Livingston, also held the Conservatives as responsible for the riots. He blamed the Government policies, saying that young people need hope and opportunities, and that riots show anger and disaffection. He said no one cares for poor young people in London. he said the rioters need someone to care about them and speak for them.

Picture of Mark Duggan who was shot dead by London police.

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