
Crop of Human Organs

21 December 2009

Israel admits harvesting organs from Palestinians

Israel has admitted that forensic pathologists "harvested organs" from dead Palestinians and others without permission of their families.

The issue emerged with publication of an interview with the then-head of Israel's Abu Kabir forensic institute, Dr. Jehuda Hiss.

There was was huge controversy during summer of 2009 over an allegation by a Swedish newspaper that Israel was killing Palestinians in order to harvest their organs. Israel denied the charge. Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet reported that Israeli soldiers killed Palestinians for their organs. Angry Israeli officials called the report "anti-Semitic."

Parts of the interview were broadcast on Israel's Channel 2 TV over the weekend. In it, Hiss said, "We started to harvest corneas ... Whatever was done was highly informal. No permission was asked from the family."

In a response to the TV report, the Israeli military confirmed that the practice took place. "This activity ended a decade ago and does not happen any longer," the military said in a statement quoted by Channel 2.

In the interview, Hiss described how his doctors would mask the removal of corneas from bodies. "We'd glue the eyelid shut," he said. "We wouldn't take corneas from families we knew would open the eyelids."

Human Meat Market

Council of Europe has said that kidney trafficking is “big business”. International organised crime is seeing it as a hugely profitable business. Doctors who perform the procedures are given large share of money. European patients die while waiting for a kidney transplantation, owing to a chronic shortage of organs. This demand makes prices go up and up.

Experts are concerned about the emerging global market in "human flesh". World Health Organization says evidence includes reports from "brokers" and doctors, accounts from villages, surveys of hospitals, government records, and kidney scars in slums. In some villiages, 40 percent of the people are turning up with only one kidney. Figures show the number of "donations" from unrelated family members are skyrocketing. 60 persent of the people getting these organs are from rich nations.

Modern diseases like diabetes, hypertension, and other kidney-destroying illnesses have spread. Antibiotics and other drugs suppress the immune system. More people need transplants, and more can be saved by them. But donations haven't kept up with demand. More than 70,000 Americans are waiting for kidneys. Over 1o0,000 patients in Europe are on waiting lists. The list is growing at a rate of 5,000 per year. People are dying.

Death Exploiters

Another unconfirmed report against Israel claims that in the days after the Haiti earthquake, Israeli rescue teams are stealing the organs of dead Haitians. It says that Israel is "Feasting Upon Human Organs".

The startling allegation was made T. West, an American, aims to provide "Proof of Israeli Trafficking in Human Organs". The video dated 19/01/2010 suggests that Israeli military forces are engaged in organ trafficking. Mr West from Seattle said that there are "exploiters" whereever there is death; and that he knows what Israel did in South Africa and with the Palestinians. He demanded transparency in Haiti .

Israel has dismissed the accusation as anti-semitism from another Jew hater. Israel's Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman, and Public Security Minister Yitzchak Aharonovich sent 100 Police Officers to Haiti after UN made a request to Israel for help.

Organs of Orphans

Prime Minister of Haiti Jean-Max Bellerive fears that trafficking of children and human organs is occurring in the aftermath of the earthquake that devastated Haiti on January 12, 2010. Children whose parents have died are particularly vulnerable for organ theft.

When asked if he was sure, PM Bellerive said "the reports I received say yes."

"There is organ trafficking for children and other persons also, because they need all types of organs."

Children recently orphaned by Haiti's earthquake were being targeted for organ trafficking claimed Haiti's Prime Minister.

Ten Americans were caught in Haiti trying to abduct children. The group was arrested and charged with kidnapping children. These Americans were trying secretly to take 33 children out of Haiti and to the United States. The Jewish advisor of the ten U.S. citizens Jorge Puello has fled Haiti. Police said he has previously known to traffic women and girls.
U.S. authorities are desperate to get the ten citizens released. It is thought deals are being made behind the scene to get the kidnap charges dropped. US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was pressuring the Haitian government to let the Americans go.

U.S. Military is incharge of all aid operations, rescue security in Haiti after PM Bellerive gave them full control of the destroyed capital city Portau Prance.

Market price for one Kidney is between 2,000 to 4,000 dollars, depending on its condition.

Earthquake in Haiti resulted in the death of over 250,000 people. Many of were buried together in mass graves.

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